Who Are The Illuminati?

By David J. Stewart | April 2009 | Updated November 2015

Photo to right: Just one of thousands of corporate icons showing allegiance to the New World Order gang. The All-seeing Eye of Horus is symbolic of Lucifer, the angel of light. Most people have no idea just how powerful the Illuminati is, evidenced by the subtly by which they orchestrated the 911 attacks and now mock us right before our very eyes.

The “Illuminati” (sometimes referred to as “Globalists” or the “World Revolutionary Movement”) are an evil group of elite and powerful people, who are rarely seen in the public's eye, who know not the Lord Jesus Christ. They serve and worship only Lucifer, the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). They are the sworn enemies of national sovereignty, Biblical Christianity, individuality, parental and husbandly authority, our Bill Of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. They are the perpetrators and architects of the New World Order (NWO). They are demonically influenced and controlled by Satan and are the sworn enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ. Many are homosexuals and pedophiles, blackmailable if one ever ever turns against the group, likely killed. They are devout Luciferian worshippers, and when seen in public they flash the El Diablo satanic hand-sign. Here's a disturbing picture with U.S. President Bush flashing a satanic hand-sign...

"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
and they worshipped the beast..." —Revelation 13:4

George W. Bush is just a small fish in the globalist empire of darkness. His father George H. Bush is higher up on the food chain. Aleister Crowley, the self-proclaimed “World's Most Wicked Man” ate the feces of women during bizarre sexual acts involving Luciferian worship and Satanism. According to the shocking documentary film titled, “IN SEARCH OF THE GREAT BEAST” directed by Robert Garofalo and produced by Lyn Beardsall (2007), Barbara Bush (wife of President George H. Bush) is the daughter of the world's most infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley. The truth is stranger than fiction!

Hollywood sex-pervert, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), filmed his shocking movie “Eyes Wide Shut” (the film contains nudity) at the Rothschild's mansion. Here's a YouTube video by Infowars exposing some of the Satanic things they do at their parties (including MK Ultra programming—such as systematic and ritualized pedophile and torture abuse, shattering the victim's mind into multiple personalities. Former Scorpions (a pedophile promoting Rock band) bass player, Ralph Rieckermann, admitted publicly to attending a snuff party. These are parties where someone is planned to be killed as entertainment (they're snuffed out). Rieckermann says a person was murdered at the party (and worse he said, but he wouldn't elaborate about it). This is how the Illuminati has fun.

I am greatly appreciative as an average person for the gifted insight and prolific writings of good men who care about THE TRUTH; such as, Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) and Dr. Henry Makow; and also for the awesome video documentaries of Alex Jones, to name but a few. Please watch, ENDGAME (a 2:19 video documentary by Alex Jones. This video is a good place to start if you are beginning to learn about the Illuminati). If you desire to know the details of the Illuminati, you will love Henry Makow's book titled, “Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction” (a library in one book of things you just won't learn anywhere else). Here is a quote from page 8...

The central banking cartel scripts both history and culture according to a long-term plan. Cartel members are generational Satanists, Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Their object is to induct mankind into their cult as their servants and slaves.

Their main instrument is war which they contrive for profit and power. They engineer a vast credit expansion for war, and later for reconstruction. They are using debt to enslave us like the Jewish moneylenders who plied 19th century Ukrainian farmers with vodka and loans, and later confiscated their farms. ... The Illuminati buy our complicity with our own money. By monopolizing thought and communication, they are able to deceive us.


As Commander William Guy Carr states in his awesome book, Pawns In The Game, every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1775 has been started, nurtured and FINANCED ON BOTH SIDES by the International Banking Cabal. No matter who loses the war (both sides always lose in the long-run), the banksters always profit incredibly. There's profit for the Illuminati in war!

Commander William Guy Carr - Who Are The Illuminati?

PAWNS IN THE GAME (MP3, I remixed Cmdr. Carr's 1958 lecture, removing some of bass)

Pawns In The Game (awesome 1:41 hour lecture from 1958 by Cmdr. William Guy Carr)

Dr. Makow writes a great introduction to WHO the Illuminati are, basing his intro on the Biblical truth that “The devil conquers by deceit and seduction” ...

The devil conquers by deceit and seduction. And so mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. We have been deceived in the most egregious fashion, and seduced by money and sex.

We generally think of the “conspiracy” as limited and definable. In fact, out world is the product of an ancient diabolical conspiracy that inverts good and evil. The conspiracy is based on a satanic hatred of God and man, partly originating in the Talmud and Cabala (Judaism long ago turned its back on the Old Testament, and used it and Torah Jews as a false front).

These satanic Jews and their satanist gentile collaborators are joined by Freemasonry in the Illuminati. They hate humanity. This hatred has been institutionalized in the routine of war, poverty and depression we now take for granted.

As a result, mankind is dysfunctional. Since the so-called “Enlightenment,” Western civilization has been based on a foolhardy denial of the Creator, i.e., the inherent design and purpose governing human life.

Not coincidentally, the “Enlightenment” roughly coincides with the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 by Illuminati bankers, and subsequent spread of Freemasonry throughout Europe. Freemasonry became the “in” thing for aristocrats and free thinkers, as well as industrious young men on the make.

Freemasonry disguised its worship of Lucifer with specious platitudes like “liberty, fraternity, equality,” “tolerance” of anything opposed to the established order, and a blustery faith in humanity, “reason” and “progress.”

According to the American “Grand Commander” Albert Pike, the Masonic rank and file are “intentionally misled by false interpretations.” (“Morals and Dogma,” 1871, p. 104)

Controlled by the Illuminati bankers, Freemasonry is the unacknowledged power behind the modern world. Historian Bernard Fay writes: “Freemasonry has become the most efficient social power of the civilized world. But it has been a hidden power, difficult to trace and to define. Consequently most historians have avoided treating it and giving it due credit” (“Revolution and Freemasonry, 1680-1800,” 1935, viii)

Bernard Fay shows that the Illuminati bankers used their Masonic dupes to establish the U.S. as a future base for world domination. George Washington, his generals and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were all Masons. Master Mason Benjamin Franklin raised the money to finance the war from bankers in Paris. (pp. 237-261; see article within, “Illuminati Bankers Founded the U.S. to Advance NWO” within.) [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (pp. 9-10).

You need to understand THE LUCIFERIAN CONSPIRACY (why sex perversion is being promoted in American culture). Henry Makow has authored numerous articles on this important subject. You need to understand what is going on, and why, so you can fight “against the rulers of the darkness of this world” as Ephesians 6:12 in the Holy Bible commands. Please read, Satan: Prince Of This World (.pdf book by Commander William Guy Carr). Our battle is not against our neighbor, family, church, or that jerk boss at work; but rather, against the satanic hierarchy of power ruling the world today. Occultist Alice Bailey (1880-1949) foretold that it would be THE CHURCHES through which the Luciferian philosophies of the coming New World Order and Antichrist would be promoted. Please read, Theosophy, The Church and Satan Worship.

Exposing The 'Externalization Of The Hierarchy' Of Alice Bailey

Through cleverly designed newsmedia propaganda, white-washing and deliberate disinformation (lying and deceiving), the globalist owned and controlled newsmedia has been able to suppress the blatant horrendous crimes of the global elite themselves [which includes the 911 attacks, the Iraqi war, and the ongoing farming of opium (heroine) crops in Afghanistan and thug stealing of Afghan's little girls to supply the insatiable pedophile appetite of the globalists.]

Beware Of Government & Media 'Controlled Opposition'

It is very important for you, the reader, to understand the concept and reality of the psyops weapon of “CONTROLLED OPPOSITION,” because we see it each and every day in politics and the media, used as a red-herring to distract us from the truth.

A “red-herring” is something used as a distraction. The term originates from herring fish which were smoked and then pickled in brine, which turned them red. As legend goes, some animal-rights activities in 19th century England would drag the red-herring fish along the ground to throw off the foxes' scent, so the hunting hounds (dogs) couldn't follow them. Likewise, we are often misled by the government and the American mainstream newsmedia, such as the still popular false official 9/11 story (which has been proven to be a big fraud). There were thermite charges (bombs) strategically planted in World Trade Center buildings #1,2 and 7. The two jet planes that crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (not building 7) were red-herrings to distract everyone from the truth. The Bush administration got caught red-handed, but they got away with it solely because of the controlled newsmedia. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an unholy evil, who admittedly have a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate brainwashing propaganda into film and TV. Literally, hundreds of television shows, cartoons, sitcoms, movies and productions all contain lying propaganda to dupe American citizens into believing that 9/11 was caused by radical Islam.

Fox News is infamous for controlled opposition, pretending to fair and balanced in their reporting (what a big lie). Fox News deceitfully gains the trust of right-wingers, conservatives and Christians by pretending to be against abortion, pretending to be against open-borders, pretending to be against President Obama's liberal policies, et cetera. In truth, Fox News is owned by Ruppert Murdock, a big time Zionist globalist. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are two big frauds!!! They both get paid several million dollars a year for being controlled opposition, pretending to be good men, when in reality they are evil imposters, going along to get along, complicit to the Zionist takeover of America. They are rich stooges for the Illuminati.

Here's another eye-opening quote from Dr. Makow about controlled opposition...

Clearly the liberal and socialist “left” is part of the phony opposition. They don't represent the people. They are Masons and part of the Masonic two-step leading to banker world government tyranny. It's a reflection of how the “establishment” is complicit in the enslavement of society.

Similarly in the U.S. and Europe, all political parties are run by Masons and ruled by the Rothschild cartel. I doubt if any individual or group gains visibility unless they are puppets.

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (p. 284).

As of August 2015, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was 100% pro-death concerning abortion a decade ago, but now mysteriously has become pro-life to run on the conservative Republican ticket. It's all staged. Trump knows he'll never sit in the oval office as our nation's commander. He's not evil enough. It's a puppet position anyway, beneath Trump's caliber. The job of U.S. President has apparently been reserved for pot-smoking, pedophile-pervert, cocaine-using, draft-dodging, lying, satanic, murderous, homosexuals. I think Trump is like World Trade Center building #7 imploded on 9/11, thrown into the mix to add confusion, dissonance and act as a red-herring, to distract everyone from the truth that two criminal families have hi-jacked The White House. Trump has turned this into a media 3-ring-circus (as I believe he was asked by his Illuminati buddies to do)! I am very confident that Jeb Bush will be U.S. President in 2016. I could be wrong, but that's what I see from where I sit as a caring Christian citizen.

Hillary, a Democrat, likely won't win. If she did, it would be the first time since 1836 that a Democrat won after a seated two-term Democrat. I think this whole e-mail ordeal with Hillary is another red-herring. Hillary is so popular with the sicko public that they need an excuse for her to lose, and this might be it. Legally, Hillary could get 600-years in prison for obstruction of justice. The fact that she is laughing and joking about breaking the law shows that this is all staged. It's not a coincidence that Jeb Bush is quietly lurking like a snake in the background, staying out of sight for now until election time. The mainstream newsmedia lost credibility a very long time ago with smart Americans, but the majority of people are dumb fools marching-on to their destruction!

The name of the game in Washington DC is deception. “Dr. Makow titled his book appropriately, “Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction,” because that's how the Illuminati-formed Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) controls America!!! By the way, fighting against Zionism is not anti-Semitism; but rather, anti-corruption! It is imperative that you understand modern-day Israel was started in May of 1948 by the Illuminati, as a pretext to divide and conquer the Middle East on the path to World War III, to achieve a New World Order prepared to receive their coming man of sin and false Messiah, the Antichrist. Yes, present-day Israel is a massive fraud, not established by God in fulfillment of Hosea 3:4-5. It is Satan's Israel, from which will arise the Antichrist. Woefully ignorant Christians who blindly support Israel today are unknowingly supporting the Illuminati. Beware Of The Emerging Church!

All of the political mudslinging each election time is all staged, to divide and conquer the foolhardy public. Behind the scenes there's not a dime's difference between Democrats and Republicans. They're simply two separate legs both walking in the same direction of a New World Order, both parties being subject to the Illuminati's money, threats and blackmail. The CIA are the private police force of the Illuminati. History shows that Wall Street bankers and attorneys started the CIA while Harry Truman was U.S. President. Zionism, Freemasonry, CIA, Wall Street, Pentagon, Rothschilds, puppet Washington DC politicians, complicit newsmedia, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, The Vatican, Masonic false religions, Hollywood, the music industry, and thousands more collaborator groups, are mere puzzle pieces all fitting together to form a satanic hierarchal power structure striving to achieve a New World Order.

I could give you a hundred examples of controlled opposition, which is intended to mislead and deceive the public. For example: in 2011 when President Barrack Obama ran for his second term in office, Goldman Sachs didn't back him for President, when in reality Mr. Obama has hired a few dozen former Goldman Sachs employees right off Wall Street into The White House. They're not fooling everyone! They love Obama! Goldman Sachs is The White House!!! So don't be stupid! Question everything you hear from the media and the government. Be objective! Always ask yourself, why are they telling me this?

I heard news reports this week (August 2015) from the Zionist-controlled U.S. government that Syrian leaders are raping women and children. I don't believe that for a second. The truth is that the CIA created ISIS as a tool to overthrow the Syrian government. Of course they're going to demonize President Bashar al-Assad, because he has sided with the victimized Palestinians against Israel's thuggery. Israel is the Illuminati's whore, just as we read in Revelation 17:1-2, 18. The kings of the earth have fornicated with the Illuminati-controlled United States and Israel. When the Beast comes, he will burn the whore (Revelation 17:16). Israel is being pimped-out, just as the U.S. is. The Luciferian-worshipping elite behind the Illuminati have no regard for mankind nor God.

Present-Day Israel is Satanic

True Israel has been scattered throughout the world, just as the Bible says in Joel 3:2 (see also, Deuteronomy 28:62-64). Since the fall of Israel in 586 BC to Babylon, the Jews have been scattered around the world. And again, what remaining Jews lived in Jerusalem during the New Testament, were scattered around the world further after Rome annihilated Jerusalem in 70 AD. Present-day Israel was begun in 1948 as a secular state and not as a theocracy. Just like their Illuminati founders, Israel's government today is Marxist/Communist. For many years now, Tel Aviv, Israel is boasted of as being the gay-Mecca for homosexuals worldwide. God's people? No way. Please read Deuteronomy 7:12, which says God's promise to bless the patriarch's descendants will only be honored IF they obey His commandments.

Opium Brides (heroine & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)

Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife invested too)

Homosexual Prostitution, Child Molesting, the CIA and Washington D.C. Officials

Why is Goldman Sachs running a sex-slave fund? Oh, did I mention the List Of 37 Names of GOLDMAN SACHS People in the Obama Government?

The White (Goldman Sachs) House (Goldman Sachs in the White House)

J. Edgar Hoover (first chief of the FBI) was an infamous thug (a flaming homosexual and pederast) who blackmailed and bribed hundreds of politicians, judges and other elite in order to maintain control of his position for 37-years. Hoover worked for the criminal international banking-cartel (the banksters). These are the financiers of the criminal global elite. Study history and you'll learn that Communism and Nazism (two legs walking in the same direction toward World Government) were created by the international banking cartel (primarily the Rothschild family). Their primary work-horse organization which infiltrates every aspect of society is Freemasonry (a highly deceptive group, even to its own members). The banksters are financiers of every major war for the past two centuries.

The FBI and CIA are notoriously corrupt, controlled by the globalists. The CIA/FBI had former FBI Deputy Director John O'Neill murdered because he wasn't corrupt like the higher ups. PBS: Watch “The Man Who Knew” Online (John O'Neill murdered by globalists on 911). All these puzzle pieces fit together to give you a complete picture of who the globalists are and how they work. You need to see the big picture. President John F. Kennedy Was Assassinated For Warning Americans That The Illuminati Were Plotting To Take Over The White House Through Secrecy, Subversion, Infiltration And Fear. Kennedy tried to warn us about the secret societies lurking behind Washington D.C., aka, the Globalists (or Illuminati). The criminal relationship between Wall Street, the Pentagon and The White House is commonly referred to as the “Military Industrial Complex.”

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Was Created in 1947 by Wall Street Investment Bankers And Lawyers (the U.S. is run by a criminal banking cabal). The CIA is a corrupt organization at the top, headed up for many years by former U.S. President George H. Bush (famous for his 1991 announcement of a New World Order). It was the CIA who started the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS), a fascist Nazi-style organization that's setting-up a Police State across America. Criminal Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey Handed Down Gag Order To Silence 9/11 Firefighters. The boogieman of Alqaeda was fabricated, a false flag enemy to drag the American people into a never-ending war on Terror ('THE GRAND DECEPTION' by G. Edward Griffin).

Here is Dr. Henry Makow's definition of the Illuminati . . .

“The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.”

SOURCE: savethemales.ca - Countdown To World War Three


One such Illuminati member is David Rockefeller, who is the Chairman of The Council On Foreign Relations. It was David Rockefeller in 1994 was stated . . . 

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994.

The 911 Attacks were the fulfillment of David Rockefeller's 1994 proclamation.

". . . There is no such thing in America as an independent press . . . We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes . . . Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." —John Swinton, former New York Times Chief of Staff

President George H. Bush is another member of the Illuminati, who called for a New World Order back in 1990. President Bush said it's the dream of the United Nation's Founders (i.e., the owners of The Council On Foreign Relations) to dominate and control the world . . .

“We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peace-keeping role to fulfil the promise and vision of the UN's founders.”

SOURCE: —President George H. Bush, 1990

Isn't it amazing how the United Nations causes most of the war and bloodshed around the globe, while continually talking about peace. They're always willing to have peace, even if it means going to war, and they often do! Isaiah 48:22, “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.” This sinful world will never have peace until the King of Kings returns, Jesus Christ, and destroys the New World Order and casts its members into Hell.

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." —Judge Felix Frankfurter

The era of the New World Order has begun, beginning with the 911 attacks. The Global Gulag is upon us. William Guy Car tried to warn us 60-years ago, in his eye-opening book, PAWNS IN THE GAME, but so few people care enough to listen. 2nd Thessalonians 2:10 tells us that the masses of this world will eagerly follow the Antichrist because, "they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved."

Here is a quote again from Illuminati leader, David Rockefeller, who acknowledges their control over the lying newsmedia . . .

David Rockefeller"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

SOURCE: David Rockefeller

The average America is woefully ignorant, which as you've read from Mr. Rockefeller, has been according to plan. There is no greater weapon used against the common man than to keep him ignorant. Eve sinned in Genesis 3:6 out of ignorance. The Bible says she was deceived, for had she known THE TRUTH she would not have eaten of the forbidden fruit. Eve, just as the American public today, believed a lie. The average American is still angry at the Muslims over the 911 attacks, while the real culprits have us eating fruit of deception out their hands.

As shocking as it is, most Americans are begging for a Communist nation, believing that President Obama is going to make things better. In April of 2009, the newsmedia reported that the U.S government needed to take control over the banks, housing market and auto-industry to make things better. Don't you see what's happening... Globalism (Communism) is taking over! That's what Communism is... total government control. That's what President George H. Bush said the New World Order will be—RULE OF LAW! America will become a nanny state under NDAA (you need to hear this). NDAA is treason!

The following information is quoted from the excellent book titled, “TERRORISM AND ILLUMINATI: A 3,000 YEAR HISTORY” by Dr. David Livingstone...

Today, fronted by the powerful banking dynasties of Europe, the Illuminati exercise supremacy over the world’s governments, as well as their economies, and even their cultures. Ultimately, the Illuminati are an international network, existing in a parallel world, straddled between fronts of legitimacy, and activities on the black market and in the underground.

Their method of conquest is to wholly demoralize the societies of the world, wrecking their very fabric, by promoting every vice, including sexual depravity, greed and war. By enslaving the nations of the world through colossal debt, they ensure subservience, and guarantee the slow transfer of their sovereignty to global government. By encouraging stock market speculation they siphon off the wealth of the ignorant masses. In the end, by creating a global economic cataclysm of untold magnitude, they intend to demonstrate to humanity their own ineptitude, and offer their reign as salvation, by implementing a global fascist state, to be governed by their expected messiah.

Deprived of any moral restraint, they fund their covert activities by dominating the world of illegal arms dealing, narcotics trafficking, and prostitution. Their activities are intertwined with those of the world’s leading intelligence services, including the CIA, Mossad, and Britain’s M16, as well as international crime syndicates, like the Mafia and the Asian Triads, and the Yakuza of Japan.2 Adopting any disguise to suit their collective objectives, they work hand in hand with the Freemasons and numerous other secret societies, and are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults, from the Hare Krishna’s to the Moonies, of Christian and Muslim Fundamentalism, and most importantly, terrorism.

By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III, from which will emerge, out of the ashes of the expired civilizations of our time, like a phoenix from the fire, a New World Order. The coming confrontation is being presented as a “Clash of Civilizations”, between the “Liberal Democratic West” and “Islamic fundamentalism.”


God hindered mankind at the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:7-9. God scattered humanity, changing their languages and geographical locations. This effectively delayed the New World Order for the next 4,000 years! Only in these end times, by the providential and omnipotent power of God, has modern technology once again permitted Satan to achieve human World Government. Praise God for the Stone cut from the mountain without hands, which is Christ Jesus, Who will smash all the kingdoms of man and establish His own world rule as King over the earth! (Daniel 2:34).

Satan is Behind the New World Order

No one completely understands the workings behind the New World Order, except the people involved at the very top of the pyramid of power. What do you think the All-Seeing-Eye on the reverse of every One Dollar Bill is saying to you? It's says, “We can see you, but you can't see us.” Human nature is so predictably gullible and easily taken advantage of. Most people buy into the lying deceptions from the newsmedia, while failing to think for themselves. Apathy is treason my friend. I care! Do you? If you don't, why not? Every believer who names the name of Jesus Christ ought to be upset and angry over sin and crime.

The New World Order has been in the planning for centuries, even before 1775 when Adam Weishaupt formed the Illuminati club. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 speaks of the “Mystery of Iniquity,” which I believe to be the New World Order. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7, “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” We must remember that Satan is behind the New World Order. That is the key to understanding everything. If you don't understand that truth, then you'll be misguided into believing that space aliens are involved, as some false prophets teach.

The New World Order, minus the modern term, has been in the works for millenniums. At the the Tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11, Satan inspired evil men to unite together against God. So we see that Satan has desired to achieve a global

If I didn't believe in God, nor the Bible, I'd run to Calvary to get saved just because of all the loyalty to Satan I see in this world. I mean, it's so clear and obvious that the Rock music industry believes in Satan and worships him. It is so abundantly clear and obvious that the leaders of this world believe, worship and serve Lucifer. The Lucis Trust prints everything for the United Nations. Their original name was The Lucifer Trust. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.


Men and women die, but the New World Order continues, because the demonic forces of Satan are behind it all. Acts 26:18, “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”

New World Order

In the blockbuster movie, Independence Day, David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum), an MIT graduate working for a cable company in New York City, discovers a hidden satellite transmission which he believes to be a timer counting down to a coordinated attack by the aliens. With the help of his ex-wife Constance Spano (Margaret Colin), a White House employee, he and his father Julius (Judd Hirsch) gain entrance into the Oval Office to warn President Thomas J. Whitmore (Bill Pullman) of the impending attack.

Now remember that this movie was made in 1996. When David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) shows his laptop to the President, there are 9:11 minutes remaining before the attack. Coincidence? On 911 The White House was attacked The culprits behind the 911 attacks pride themselves in mocking the public with occult symbols and putting their fingerprints all over everything. Don't believe it? Take a look at the 911 Memorial.

Syndicated radio talk show host, Alex Jones, stated on The Alex Jones Show on February 1st, 2010 . . .

“All the new World Order is, is powerful offshore corporations and banks that combine forces to bring in tyranny on a society-wide basis. All the New World Order is, is private corporations paying off your government to sign treaties with them, granting them government power to create monopolies and cartels, to control the free market and society. They have stolen us blind. They have stolen Iceland and England and Europe and Canada and Australia and the United States blind. It is fraudulent. It is based in fraud. They can create unlimited derivatives, unlimited currency and credit for themselves, but they need fake environmentalism to actually get your property. They need fake government rules to seize all the major highways and roads and turn them into toll-roads for offshore corporations like Centra of Spain. This is looting. This is corruption.

Because the general public is only focused on football and on Hollywood stars and on diversions, the establishment is able to get away with this. But they have gone so far in their crimes. They have done so much evil, that if we simply stand up and point out that the emperor is wearing no clothes, and point out the crimes they have committed, and that Geitner and Paulson and all these people have given themselves hundreds-of-millions of dollars individually to themselves out of the banker bailout money, and that the number is really $28,000,000,000,000 (not $700,000,000,000), and that they engineered this and then McClatchy Newspapers wrote a five part series in December exposing that this is premeditated; if we expose them, if we point out what they've done, if we simply have the energy to point out that they are the harbiture, the progenitor, the engine behind our economy falling apart; they want to destroy the economy; Ron Paul has said that, because when they bankrupt you, you go under government control.

More than half the population now work for the government or get government contracts. That's not enough. It's their job to bankrupt. It's their job to bankrupt the states. It's their job to take over society. It's a monopoly game. It's a game of absolute domination and control.”

SOURCE: Alex Jones, The Alex Jones Show; www.infowars.com; February 1st, 2010

Who is Behind the Illuminati?

Some people claim that the Jews are behind the Illuminati. Others claim that the Catholic Church is behind the Illuminati. Some claim that Mormons are behind the Illuminati. Many people claim that the Illuminati is a Freemasonry conspiracy. It is important not to identify any one group as behind responsible for the Illuminati. The goal of the Illuminati is a global government, aka, a New World Order. The truth is that each of these groups play a distinct role in Satan's plot to control the world. They each have their part in the New World Order.

The Rothschild Empire (a 3:29 hour video how banksters control U.S. via fraud, wars and lies!)

It is wrong to bash the Jews as being behind the Illuminati. Certainly, the Rothschilds are Jewish and are the key family in the Illuminati; However, the Rockefellers are not Jewish and are equally involved. So the New World Order is neither Jewish nor Gentile. It is neither Catholic nor completely Freemason. Without a doubt, Freemasonry plays a major role in the occult plans of the Illuminati, but so also does Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones and other occult groups who worship Lucifer.

In this article, I point out the prevalence of some different groups, including wealthy Jews in positions of high power; but don't make the mistake of thinking that any particular group is completely behind the New World Order. The average Jewish person has nothing to do with the evils of Freemasonry, which is based upon Jewish mysticism in the Kabbalah. But it is true that all of the mainstream news corporations in America and Hollywood are Jewish owned. Coincidence? You decide. We ought not be, I repeat, ought NOT, be anti-Semitic in any way, fashion or form. Romans 2:11 teaches that God is NO respecter of persons. END

Who is running America?
Have you ever asked that question?
Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests.

Now you know who is running America!

You might want to take exception to the name on the marquee at the entrance to 55 Water Street:
??? . . . “Tower of Power” . . . ???

What Is The New World Order?

Luciferian Bankster, David Rockefeller, who has openly sold out America.

Photo to Left: Luciferian Bankster, David Rockefeller, who has openly sold out America

The New World Order is a diabolical plan created by the financial elite in order to destroy the national sovereignty of the governments of the world through economic blackmail and world conflict with the goal of enslaving humankind in a One World Fascist Dictatorship / Government.

The agents of the New World Order have successfully taken control of the world's financial system. Our politicians have made it "legal" for the private banking corporations to control our money supply, stock market and ultimately our destiny. A famous quote "Money is the root of all evil" is fitting, but a better understanding comes when you ask the question "What is the root of all Money?". The private banking corporations control the printing press and print money for the cost of paper (usury) and use it to enslave the nations and people of the world in debt.

Our governments have become totally insolvent or bankrupt through the creation of this debt slavery. Our governments are now maxing out the NWO credit line to keep the game going. We, the people are the only resources keeping the system alive as we are deceitfully sold into slavery at birth to the financial market as property of the state. Our productive capacity or labor via the Income Tax is used as collateral for this debt slavery. Matrix-esque anyone?

Since the agents of the NWO control the economy, our governments are slaves to the economic system. The NWO uses this power to control the destiny of the nations. The power of this money to shape society is limitless. They use it to control who is elected as politicians, what stories our news outlets air and any other interests (unlimited) that can be bought in a capitalist and immoral society. Not only do they subvert our democracy and keep us misinformed, but they ultimately control the future of our nations through inflation, deflation, the availability of money and interest rates. The stock market crash has become a scientifically created event designed to steal the wealth of the people, further the indebtedness of the nations, and create the conditions necessary for worldwide conflict.

The agents of the NWO throughout the ages have created and manipulated conflicts between nations to further their agenda. They have funded both sides in every major war. They know better than anyone that there is no business more profitable than war since they have been using conflict to enslave the nations through massive debt. The current estimated cost of the Iraq war stands at 2.7 trillion ( 2,700,000,000,000 ) and counting at a time when the American people are witnessing the worst economic crisis of this age. It is time to ask yourself Who is the real enemy of the American people?

The "War on Terror" has been manufactured by the New World Order to finally realize their goal of total world domination. The agents of the New World Order have created a globalized economy in order to create financial dependencies between the nations. The crash of the American Dollar will be used as the Trojan Horse to destroy the globalized market and create the chaos and conditions required to usher in the New World Order. The crash of the world economies coupled with food shortages (famine) and World War III in the Middle East will be used to create the perfect crises out of which the New World Order will arise as the solution. The NWO modus operandi uses a simple Problem->Reaction->Solution process to gain control.

The agents of the NWO use their money, power and control to manufacture the crises. In reaction, the people cry out for help from the ravages of war, famine and despair. The agents of the NWO seize this opportunity to deceive and enslave the masses into their One World Fascist Dictatorship / Government. There is no clash of civilizations, East vs. West, Christian or Jew vs. Muslim, but instead propaganda and manufactured conflict to keep us in fear so we continue to play the game. We are all pawns in this game and until we realize this truth we will continue to be exploited by the agents of the New World Order for personal gain.

It is said that those who are ignorant to the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Will we allow the NWO to repeat history once again with another Great Depression and World War? Will we be fooled again by the propaganda and bread & circus shows meant to keep us distracted and divided? Will we continue in ignorance to believe the problems of this world amount to petty party politics, a left vs. right paradigm or a republican vs. democrat issue?

We must not let these evil sycophants succeed in their quest for world domination. The future of humanity and the entire world is at stake. We must set aside the things that divide us (politics, religion, race, nationality, pride, hubris) and stand united for truth, justice and freedom. Are you ready to do your part? Are you 100% committed to ending this reign of tyranny and despotism that is the New World Order?

It is time for all of us to stand up as one, undivided, and let our voices be heard. It is time for us to take action to create physical changes on the ground. We must act now to restore the power (control of our money supply and our governments) to the people where it belongs in order to guarantee justice and freedom today and for all future generations. The people are waking up to the truth and the Resistance is growing into a massive movement for change. Please do your part to help educate your friends and family to this evil plot and make the promise to always stand for truth, justice and freedom.

The New World Order Resistance is 100% committed and dedicated to dismantling the NWO in all it's forms and removing it's stranglehold on the nations and people of the world. As long as there remains a single person in this world who stands for liberty, rest assured, the resistance will continue to bring the battle to the enemy until we taste true freedom. Give us Liberty or give us Death.

Join us in our fight to restore knowledge, justice and freedom to the people!

SOURCE: What Is The New World Order? | END

The Treasonous Theft of Our Government

"In 1912; their man, Woodrow Wilson, was elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated; Senator Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act through both houses of Congress and Wilson promptly signed it and the Federal Reserve Act became law.

That heinous act of treason was committed on December 23, 1913; two days before Christmas when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully picked Representatives and three equally carefully picked Senators, were away from Washington.

How heinous treasonous was that act? I'll tell you. Our founding-fathers knew full-well the power of money. They knew that whoever had that power held the destiny of our nation in his hands. Therefore; they carefully guarded this power when they set forth in the Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people, alone would have the power.

SOURCE: THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, by Myron Fagan, writer-director, Pathe Pictures (owned by Joe Kennedy), 20th Century Fox, and Broadway (excerpts of transcript from tape recordings made in the 1960s). READ THE COMPLETE BOOK

The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.

SOURCE: New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system ,they will rule the future.

SOURCE: U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his l964 book: With No Apologies.

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.

SOURCE: David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

The following is quoted from Myron Fagan's 1967 book . . .


The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people. The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and to the entire free world is simple.

The masterminds behind this great conspiracy have absolute control of all of our mass-communications media, especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood. We all know that our State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House have brazenly proclaimed that they have the right and the power to manage the news, to tell us not the truth but what they want us to believe. They have seized that power on orders from their masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people into accepting the phony peace bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United Nations' one-world government.

SOURCE: READ THE FREE ONLINE BOOK (or listen to the MP3's)

Myron Fagan documents the Communist plot (which is on congressional record) to promote interracial marriage to help destroy America's sovereignty and bring about a godless New World Order. This has nothing to do with racism; but rather, intentionally promoting interracial marriage through means of a sexually-perverse culture, which has now also led to a homosexual culture.

"Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded." —Karl Marx

Myron Fagan goes into detail to explain the detailed roots of the diabolic New World Order, and their plot as outlined by the Lucifer-worshipping Freemason, Albert Pike. Pike vividly detailed World Wars I, II and III before his death in 1892. If you want to know the future of the New World Order, then you must look to the past and read Pike's writings. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. Professor G. Edward Griffin on the criminal Federal Reserve.

Jesus Painting a Portrait of Gorbachev with His Own Blood (Blasphemy!)

Another member (puppet) of the Illuminati (puppeteers) is Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev. The article and photo below are from Spanish magazine, HOLA, written around 1998, featuring Gorbachev at his country home. Notice the blasphemous painting in the background on the right. It is Jesus painting a portrait of Gorbachev with His own blood. This is really sickening. Notice the blood on Jesus' left hand from the nail wounds. He is painting the mark onto Gorbachev's head with His shed blood. This is Satanic blasphemy!!! Gorbachev has a wicked heart of stone, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Illuminati are Hateful, Selfish, Godless, Anti-American

There are thousands of books and articles teaching about the Illuminati. Since it's all kept highly secret from the public's eye, we have much misinformation deliberately given to us to confuse us concerning these people. But we know they are evil. We know they control the major events of this world, including starting and financing both sides of every major war since the Revolutionary War. William Guy Car covers this in detail in PAWNS IN THE GAME. We know from their own statements, such as from President George H. Bush, that they intend to enslave the world's population under a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State. It is sad that so many millions of men have died in needless wars started by the “Banksters” to satisfy their own greedy and selfish agendas. The War in Iraq is no different.

The Illuminati are committed to destroying America's sovereignty and Christian backbone. Few people realize that moral decay is a primary Communist agenda. It is not mere coincidence that the Walt Disney Corporation, who are subsidized by the U.S. government, are one of the biggest promoters of whorish clothing for teenage girls, sensual filming, demonic Rock 'N' Roll music, witchcraft, feminism, disobedience to parents, new Age philosophy, sexual filth and Homosexuality. Satan wants to destroy families! Titus 1:16, “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”

Most of our good paying jobs have been outsourced to foreign labor. Our nation's southern border has deliberately been left open for decades to welcome illegals. After they illegally enter our country, then our government takes our tax-dollars and actually supports them with free health-care, food stamps, free housing and free education. Yet, Americans are losing their homes because of the lack of jobs.

Many Americans are having nervous breakdowns, snapping, because of the pressures and insanity working within society today. There is little compassion in society today. A police officer can brutally murder someone and the court gives him a light sentenced because “his job was so stressful,” yet Americans everywhere have equally stressful jobs and no mercy is shown toward them when they commit the same crimes. American courts crucify fathers in divorce court, while the feminist agenda works relentlessly to make rebels out of women, which in turn divorce their husbands. Many American women have become imprudent, rebellious and viscous. Consequently, millions of American women, aged 20-25 are divorced with 2 or 3 children. Woe unto America! 

We are now witnessing the militarization of America's police forces. Increasingly, local police are becoming hostile toward Americans due to Homeland Security brainwashing, which aims to demonize patriotic citizens as terrorists. It is treason against the American people. Hell will be hot enough for the evil people who are doing this. Increasingly, the State is targeting Christian families and are confiscating their children from the home; while demented homosexuals are viewed as normal parents and are legally allowed to adopt children. The wickedness of the American society is woeful. This is all part of the Communist subversion of the United States.

Jewish Stars Over Hollywood

Many Illuminati members are elite Jews (which has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism). I love Jewish people, but I love Arabs just as much. God is NO respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). Jews are NO better than Gentiles (Romans 3:9). This is why the Jews hate the New Testament, because it gives equal ground to the Gentiles, which makes the Jews extremely jealous (Romans 11:11). Many of the names you've often heard from Hollywood are fake, hiding the actor's real Jewish name. This was done on purpose to prevent the American public from realizing just how “Jewish” Hollywood really is—the number one source of immoral, Communist, Anti-Christian, Anti-family, Anti-American, blasphemous, pedophile, sicko, brainwashing propaganda in existence. Here's one of their movies and Another One.

Here are a list of many Hollywood actors and their real Jewish names (to name a few). . .

Joey Adams ............................. Joseph Abramowitz
Eddie Albert ............................ Eddie Heimberger
Woody Allen............................. Allen Konigsberg
Lauren Bacall .......................... Joan Perske
Jack Benny ............................. Benny Kubelsky
Milton Berle ........................... Milton Berlinger
Ernest Borgnine ......................... Effron Borgnine
George Burns ........................... Nathan Birnbaum
Joan Blondell........................... Rosebud Blustein
Joyce Brothers .......................... Joyce Bauer
Mel Brooks ............................. Melvin Kaminsky
Joey Bishop ............................ Joey Gottlieb
Charles Bronson ........................ Charles Buchinsky
Rona Barrett ............................ Rona Burnstein
Cyd Chrisse ............................. Tula Finklea
Tony Curtis ............................ Bernie Schwartz (daughter is Jamie Lee Curtis)
Joan Crawford .......................... Lucille Le Sueur
Dyan Cannon ............................ Samile Friesen
Kirk Douglas ........................... Isadore Demsky (son is Michael Douglas)
Bob Dylan ............................... Robert Zimmerman
Rodney Dangerfield ...................... Jacob Cohen
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ................. Douglas Ullman
Joel Grey .............................. Joel Katz (father of Jennifer Grey)
Elliott Gould ........................... Elliott Goldstein
Zsa Zsa Gabor ........................... Sara Gabor
John Garfield .......................... Jules Garfinkle
Judy Garland ........................... Frances Gumm
Paulette Goddard ....................... Paulette Levy
Eydie Gorme............................. Edith Gormezano
Cary Grant ............................. Larry Leach
Lorne Green ............................. Chaim Leibowiz
Judy Holliday .......................... Judith Tuvin
Leslie Howard .......................... Leslie Stainer
Buddy Hackett ........................ Leonard Hacker
Jill St. John ............................. Jill Oppenheim
Danny Kaye.............................David Kominsky
Alan King .............................. Irwin Kniberg
Larry King............................... Larry Zeiger
Tina Louise............................. Tina Blacker
Ann Landers........................... Esther Friedman (Abigail Van Buren is her sister.)
Dorothy Lamour ......................Dorothy Kaumeyer
Miehael Landon ...................... Mike Orowitz
Steve Lawrence ...................... Sidney Leibowitz
Hal Linden.............................. Hal Lip****z
Jerry Lewis ............................ Joseph Levitch
Karl Maiden ............................ Maiden Sekulovitch
Ethel Merman ......................... Ethel Zimmerman
Jan Murray ............................. Murray Janofsky
Walter Matthau ....................... Walter Matasschanskayasky
Lilly Palmer ............................ Maria Peiser
Jan Pierce............................... Pincus Perelmuth
Roberta Peters......................... Roberta Peterman
Eleanor Parker......................... Ellen Friedlob
Joan Rivers ............................ Joan Molinsky
Tony Randall .......................... Sidney Rosenberg
Edward G. Robinson ................ Emanuel Goldenberg
Dinah Shore ........................... Fanny Rose
Shelly Winters ........................ Shirley Schrift
Gene Wilder............................ Jerome Silberman

So is the New World Order Jewish?

The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay (Zionist media control)

Zionist Media Brainwashing

The entertainment industry is predominantly Jewish. Gene Simmons of the Rock band KISS is really Chaim Witz, Jewish. Jon Stewart's full name is Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, Jewish. I'm not bashing Jews, I'm just pointing out that the entertainment industry is so Jewish that a deliberate attempt has been made for decades to hide it from the general public.

I love Jewish people as much as anyone else. I love Muslims. I love all people. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for all people, to pay for our sins. The issue is not about racism at all; but rather, the powers that are in control of Hollywood, the newsmedia, The White House, major corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank, our school system, the CFR, the United Nations, et cetera. You'd be surprised to know. Please watch, Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati by Pastor Texe Marrs.

Here is an excellent quote from prolific author (and yes, he's also Jewish, and a good man) Henry Makow...

“But Zionism is just one arrow in the Illuminati quiver, which includes Freemasonry, most religions including fundamentalist Islam (Salafis/Wahabis,) intelligence agencies, corporations, governments, foundations, think tanks, the mass media, education, professional associations, universities, charities, NGO's, etc. Essentially they have control over money and everyone dances to their tune, while oozing unction. They pit their various agents against each other in order to achieve their goal, the degradation and enslavement of mankind.”

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (p. 157).

In February of 2011, Charlie Sheen was fired from the hit series “Two and a Half Men,” for saying his producer's real Jewish name in public, “Chaim Levine.” Levine's fake name is Chuck Lorre. Jews own Hollywood. This is why every Hollywood movie blasphemes the holy name of Jesus Christ one way or another. Most Jews reject Jesus Christ today, just as their ancestors did 2,000 years ago. They all curse in God's name.

It wouldn't be so disconcerting that Hollywood is Jewish owned if it weren't for the influence that Hollywood has over the American public who love movies. To no surprise, several sinful agendas have been promoted by Hollywood in recent decades, particularly feminism, violence and every form of sexual immorality. You'd be shocked if you knew how many Hollywood actors are homosexuals. I recently found out that Paul Newman was a bisexual. Robert Reed (Mike Brady, father on The Brady Bunch) was a homosexual. Here's a list of several dozen homosexual Hollywood movies. It's sad.

The demonic group of Freemasonry, which founded America, is rooted in Jewish occult mysticism, known as Kabbalah. More on Kabbalah. It is a mistake to think of the New World Order as being Jewish; but it is equally a mistake to fail to understand that Freemasonry is the occult group which Satan is using to establish a New World Order (aka, the Beast system of the Antichrist). Freemasonry's The Great Architect is a New Age false god.

High ranking 32nd and 33rd degree Freemasons are definitely members of the Illuminati. The truth is so bizarre that most people can't handle it. Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormons) and Charles Taze Russell (founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses) were both 33rd degree occult Freemasons. Ron Hubbard who founded Scientology was personal friends with renowned Satanist and 33rd degree Freemason, Aleister Crowley. There is a creepy occult connection between many religions today. Occult Connection Part 2. It just proves that all these religions are of the Devil. Biblical salvation is not found in any religion; but rather, in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ. Religion didn't die on the cross for our sins, Jesus Christ did. Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord wants to open our eyes.

In an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren in September, 2009, former Congressman James Traficant said he was the top target of AIPAC and the U.S. Justice Department. Traficant was railroaded and unjustly sentenced in 2002 to 7-years in federal prison. Traficant rightfully refused to admit guilt for something he didn't do, and thus forfeited a pardon. His wife faithfully stood by his side. He was finally released in 2009.

In an exclusive “On The Record” interview with Fox News' reporter Greta Van Susteren, on the subject of Israel, Congressman Traficant stated:

They [Israel] are controlling much of our foreign policy. They're influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defense manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They've pushed definitely, definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We're conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody's afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.

SOURCE: Congressman James Traficant Jr.,

This is shocking information. Israel controls congress, the media, our economy and everything else. Sadly, they also control many of America's churches, having paid off many Christian leaders like C.I. Scofield to promote the heresy of Zionism. Former U.S. President Nixon and many other high-profile figures have issued similar warnings to the American people; but few Americans care enough to listen. Traficant has strongly denied accusations of being anti-Semitic, saying rather that he is against “a one-sided foreign policy in the Mideast.” Traficant has said of Congress . . .

“I think it is a big whorehouse and they better start taking care of America and stop worrying about the Middle East and worry about the Midwest.”

While 1 in 8 Americans are receiving welfare food stamps as of late 2009, the U.S. sends $30,000 per person in Israel each and every year. Americans are sleeping on steel grates, trying to warm themselves from the winter's bitter cold on heated sidewalk vents. Americans are surviving in tent cities. There are 19,000 people in Detroit, Michigan who are homeless. Over 40,000 people in Detroit, Michigan have their water turned off, unable to pay their bills. Greedy U.S. corporations have relocated tens-of-millions of jobs to foreign soil to exploit slave labor, and also to escape increasing U.S. taxes, regulation and pressure form worker unions.

We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."

"The Federal Reserve banks are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this nation is run by the International bankers."

"Some [Most] people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government's institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers.
SOURCE: Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 (Rep. Pennsylvania), Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency

A Satanic Conspiracy To Control The World

First printed in 1954, "Pawns in the Game" is the best single work available on the evil conspiracy that has been responsible for the devastating wars and continuing conflicts of the past century, and which is now close to its ultimate goal of total world domination through a dictatorial One World Government.

Pawns in the Game is written by William Guy Carr (1895-1959), a noted author who had a distinguished career as a Canadian naval officer, including outstanding service during World War II. The book begins as follows:

William Guy Carr

"Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romance, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the like of which has never been written before. It is the story of how different groups or atheistic-materialistic men have played in an international chess tournament to decide which group would win ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world. It is explained how the game has reached the final stage. The lnternational Communists, and the International Capitalists, (both of whom have totalitarian ambitions) have temporarily joined hands to defeat Christian-democracy.

"The cover design shows that all moves made by the International Conspirators are directed by Satan and while the situation is decidedly serious it is definitely not hopeless. The solution is to end the game the International Conspirators have been playing right now before one or another totalitarian-minded group impose their ideas on the rest of mankind. The story is sensational and shocking, but it is educational because it is the TRUTH. The author offers practical solutions to problems so many people consider insoluble."


Here are excerpts from the introduction of this book. We may publish excerpts from other chapters in the future. ...

A Luciferian Conspiracy

by Commander William Guy Carr

If what I reveal surprises and shocks the reader, please don’t develop an inferiority complex because I am frank to admit that although I have worked since 1911 trying to find out why the human race can’t live in peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance, it was 1950 before I penetrated the secret that the wars and revolutions which scourge our lives, and the chaotic conditions that prevail, are nothing more or less than the effects of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy.

It started in that part of the universe we call heaven when Lucifer challenged the right of God to exercise supreme authority. The Holy Scriptures tell us how the Luciferian conspiracy was transferred to this world in the Garden of Eden. Until I realized that our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the spiritual forces of darkness who control all those in high places on this earth (Eph. 6:12) the pieces of evidence gathered all over this world just didn’t fit together and make sense. (I am not ashamed to admit that the "Bible" provided the "Key" which enabled me to obtain an answer to the question quoted above.)

Very few people seem able to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is indestructible. The scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from God, and join him, because he claimed God’s Plan for the rule of the universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve him voluntarily out of respect for his own infinite perfections. The Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because the masses don’t know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is what we call totalitarianism today.

The Old Testament is simply the history of how Satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of Satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the conspiracy reached the stage that, to use his own words, Satan controlled all those in high places. Christ exposed the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9); he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the devil (Lucifer), whom he castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2 Cor. 11:14)… Christ gave us the solution to our problem when he told us we must go forth and teach the truth, regarding this conspiracy (John 8. 31:59), to all people of all nations. He promised that if we did this, knowledge of the truth would set us free (Matt. 28:19). The Luciferian Conspiracy has developed until it is in its semi-final stage (Matt. 24: 15:34), simply because we have failed to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect.


PAWNS IN THE GAME (Adobe Acrobat .PDF file)

The Mindset Of The Ruling Elite

It is quite amazing that the perpetrators of this diabolical conspiracy have been able generationally, through family ties and Masonic occult loyalty, to pass the ball to each following generation of elites. The global elite are too big to fail and too big to jail. They are above the law because they are the law in this evil world. Such evil men and women are taught from birth that they are as gods. They have convinced themselves that it's not wrong to cheat people out of their money through stock market fraud. They do what is right in their own eyes.

The elite have believed for centuries that there are too many people on earth, and since the days of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati writings have purposed to kill off 95% of the earth's population. Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was a reiteration of Weishaupt's principles. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones also reiterate these goals of the global criminal elite.

The elite have a completely different mindset than the average person does. Whereas the average person is taught in school how to read, write and calculate to prepare for working in a factory for the rest of their life; the elites are taught they are more special, better than others, and entitled to the wealth of the idiot public by any means. They are taught how stupid people are and how to manipulate human psyche. People are so predictable that it's super easy to defeat them by dividing them against each other. The mainstream newsmedia are their primary weapon—forming public opinion, whitewashing mas-murderers and bank-robbers, and telling the public what to believe about everything.

By deliberately dumbing-down the public through ridiculously complicated school textbooks, and by drugging the public with needless prescription drugs into sedated state, the criminal elite have effectively destroyed any resistance from the American public. Add to that open borders and tens-of-millions of illegals (who are slaves to the government as non-citizens) and our nation is doomed. A nation cannot survive treason from within!!!

America is rotten with spiritual cancer and needs to repent! God will not bless a wicked nation. Our love for sin has made us weak and vulnerable to the criminal elite. If we don't stay on top of evil it will overtake our nation and destroy us... spiritually, mentally and physically!!! Sin and temptation are everywhere! Everyone commits sins (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10,19-23). If people in America don't start hating sin and living for God, then sin will continue to overtake and destroy us!!!

Everything is backwards; everything is upside down—Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, religions destroy spirituality, and Bible publishers destroy God's Word.

Freemasons At The Wheel

Freemasonry is the common denominator behind nearly every subversion in America today. It is the primary vehicle of the New World Order, whose members at the 33rd degree and higher levels all worship Lucifer (Baphomet). Freemasonry is an organization within an organization, just like the demonic sex-cult of Mormonism.

Listen to the chilling words of George Brock Chisholm . . .

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”

SOURCE: George Brock Chisholm, first head of the World Health Organization (WHO)

Now you can clearly see why the Illuminati, who control our schools, prohibit public school teachers from leading the children in prayer to God or reading the holy Scriptures to boys and girls. Not only that, but those same teachers are legally required to teach the fable of evolution to brainwash children. It's so sad.

Freemasons have been involved in everything from the founding of Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses, to the perverted Greek scholarship of heretic's Westcott and Hort (upon which all modern Bible corruptions are based). Freemasons have hijacked our banking system through the Federal Reserve Bank and have put the lies of evolution into our public schools. They've also hijacked The White House. The saddest thing is your average ignorant, arrogant and cowardly churchgoer who doesn't think it's their concern. Get right with God! You'll never be closer to God than when you worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH (John 4:24).

There is a conspiracy ladies and gentleman, and it is more hideous and evil than you could ever possibly imagine, and it's happening right under our very noses (evidenced on the back of every U.S. one dollar bill). The same naive people who scoff and laugh at such a notion, are the same unfortunate people who've just lost their jobs, their homes and are being indebted to pay for food stamps, healthcare, housing and medical for millions of illegal immigrants who have entered into our nation without restraint. Whose kidding who? The Illuminati is largely synonymous with Freemasonry.

The movers and shakers of these power-elite groups meet annually at their Bilderberg meeting, each year in a different nation. They also group together to worship Satan each July at Bohemian Grove just 65-miles north of San Francisco, worshipping a 40-foot owl and burning a mock human sacrifice in effigy to it. (See, The Owl and Luciferianism.) Yet, the average naive Christian pastor praises these demonic men, because they publicly make a few religious statements that a speech-writer wrote for them in advance. These men know not God. Case in point, President Obama has already duped many pastors by claiming to be a Christian, which he clearly is not.

The Illuminati (more correctly called “Globalists” today) are a bunch of deceivers and liars, true to the nature of the the Luciferian religion, ready to serve the Antichrist when he soon comes. 2nd Thessalonians 2:9,10, "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." Notice that the Antichrist will employ "signs and lying wonders" and "all deceivableness of unrighteousness" in the unsaved. We are already seeing this much today. Here's some images of the Skull and Bones cross used in Russian Orthodox Catholic Churches, showing that the Illuminati has infiltrated the world's religions. The Russian Orthodox Catholic Church has their headquarters in Moscow; unlike the Roman Catholic Vatican centered in Rome. Both organizations are controlled by the Illuminati at the highest levels.

I've just given you a brief outline of who's behind the New World Order. The top-dog of the NWO is Satan himself (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Since Satan is a liar and a deceiver (John 8:44; 2nd Corinthians 11:13-14, he must work in secret; hence, the “occult” (which means “hidden”). The Light of God's Word exposes Satan's unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). And so they must hide what they are doing (evil works) from the common man.

Satan is a lying coward and never puts his name on anything. Satan is a subtle deceiver (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4). When people write ANONYMOUS slander, they are acting like Satan, who also hides his identity. Matthew 7:15 tells us that Satan comes to his victims as a ravening wolf, wearing sheep's clothing to deceive them.

In sharp contrast, the Lord Jesus Christ said, “I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing” (John 18:20). Jesus had nothing to hide. The truth of God's Word doesn't need to be hidden from the common man. It is the followers of occult demonism and the Godless New World Order, who need cover of darkness to hide their evil agendas.

A Final Thought

The truth is overwhelming, I know, but just take it in a little at a time. Take a walk. Pray and ask God to help you cope with the insane world that we live in. Make sure you are saved. Colossians 3:1-3 gives us the answer as Christian believers... If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. set your affection on things above, not on the things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. This world is not our home. Satan is the god of this evil world; but the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof, 1st Corinthians 10:26). God is still on His throne. Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.” Every work shall be brought into judgment by God (Ecclesiastes 12:14, 7).

Satan is only in control of man's wickedness, because Satan gives evil people fame and fortune in exchange for serving and worshipping the Devil. This is the spiritual wickedness in highplaces which the Bible says is our enemy in Ephesians 6:12-17. Satan even tried to recruit Jesus in Matthew 4:9, but the Lord refused and used Scriptures to defeat Satan. Jesus gave us an example to follow. The precious Words of God are our primary weapon against the global tyranny happening today.

Every Christian ought to declare war on the New World Order, for it means world government and world religion, which will lead billions into the fires of Hell. Jesus Christ is rejected by the New Age system of beliefs promoted by the NWO, primarily the teachings of Christianity, which expose the NWO for the evil darkness that it is. New Age falsely says that there are many paths to the light. The Bible says Jesus is the only way to Heaven (John 14:6). There is no other name given among men whereby men can be saved other than the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Acts 4:10-12). Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

The New World Order is here. Anyone can join it simply by supporting the evildoers and their sinister agendas; such as population reduction, global warming (carbon taxes), police state tyranny, et cetera. Most people today have been lulled by television into a psychotic comatose state of stupidity and indifference. I don't watch TV and I am awake to righteousness! I am the enemy of God's enemies.

Notice the Illuminati "Skull and Bones" Emblem on the cross

New World Order Quotes

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